Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day Three

Yesterday I increased my calorie intake to 2490, but I was still down a pound and a half. I'll try increasing my calories by 100 today. I don't want to go crazy. Mostly I want to feel for when I'm still producing enough milk for my baby and stay at that point.

So far my efforts are dietary. I haven't even started exercising yet. I'll need to adjust once that begins.

I'm posting a couple wedding photos today. Here I am (not at my skinniest, but still much thinner than I am now.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The day after day one

Here it is. I'm going to track my progress. I need to make myself accountable. I don't feel ready to tell people about this blog, but just recording every day will make me more conscience of my efforts.

Let me start by telling about myself. I've mostly been a bit over weight for most of my life, but I was only ten to twenty pounds over. About seven years ago I was married to my beloved husband. I loved cooking and he loved eating what I cooked. Within the first six months we both put on thirty pounds. Then four years ago I had my first baby. I got up to over 240 pounds. Last year I started dieting and exercising. I got down to 202, but then work got really busy and I stopped going to the gym and stopped counting calories. I regained 13 pounds rather swiftly. Then I got pregnant again. By the time I had my second daughter I was up to 255.

I loss the first thirteen pounds without any effort, But I've been stuck at 242 for the last month and a half.

I'm five feet seven inches. I'd like to get down to 140-150. Yesterday was my first weigh-in at 242. I consumed 2360 calories. This morning I was down to 240. (Since I'm nursing I'd like to lose about one pound a week. Two pounds in one day is a little, too much. I can tell its had a toll on my milk production. I'm increasing my calories by 200 today.) It will take a while but I'll get the feel for the right amount of calories as I go along.

Food temptation is the worst right after I've eaten. I want to keep eating until I feel full. It takes will power to stop eating. But if I manage to not eat, I usually feel satisfied in about half an hour.

There it is. My heart on a platter.